
Liang Wang

Hi! I am Liang Wang, a PhD candidate at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA). I am a member of CRIPAC and advised by Liang Wang, Shu Wu, and Qiang Liu. Previously, I received a B.E. in Software Engineering from Tongji University.

Github / Google Scholar / Email / CV

Research Interests

AI for Science Graph Learning Data Mining

PhD (member of the PhD honors program)
at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2023 - 2026, expected

Major: Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems
at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2021 - 2023

Major: Computer Science
at Tongji University
2017 - 2021

Major: Software Engineering

An easy-to-use library for graph contrastive learning with PyTorch. It implements a wide variety of contrastive objectives, data augmentations, contrasting modes and other utilities useful for implementing and evaluating contrastive learning on graphs.


An open-source library built for easy implementation and evaluation of graph structure learning model family. It offers a versatile control of graph dataset laoding, structure learners, structure processors, and a bunch of reproduced models.